Sunday, June 15, 2008

s-a-t-u-r-d-a-y-- night!

We went to the Norfolk Tides (they're a AAA team) game Saturday night for Father's Day. Shout out to all the dads out there-- especially mine! We had fun with the Goodwins--as usual.
It was Marines night at Harbor Park and the Tides wore camo jerseys.
The silent drill team--amazing! They do all this stuff without even talking--what? no talking?
Mike and Matthew--Mike picked out great seats on the first base line.
Me, Monica, and Aaron.
Aaron found a big drink -- he couldn't resist. Don't worry--it belonged to us--although, he did try to drink the drink behind his seat--it did NOT belong to us!
"Okay everyone, put your glasses on." They gave us 3-D glasses for the fireworks show after the game.
"Thanks Aaron."

He's got this new thing where he only wants to wear his hats backwards--too cute.

Daddy got a new Tides hat for Father's Day and Aaron got one for--well--look at that face!! No really, he has worn his WVU hat out. It has no shape anymore and it's getting all faded and stained. He loves, loves, loves wearing a ball hat.

Aaron thought this was a helmet to wear--Danny's ice cream was in it. How do you like the Marlene feet on either side of the baby? Kelli will know what I mean--we joke all the time that we have mom's feet--Marlene feet--get it?
After the game, Danny took Aaron to run the bases--I love it!
There goes Matthew--he was going so fast, I almost missed the picture! We had so much fun--even though the fire works were cancelled. It was too windy. Brian and Monica were most disappointed. hahaha!!


Sharlene and Greg said...

Did Aaron get a hair cut? He looks so much like Danny.

good1s said...

you know in that one pic of Matthew it looks like that's HIS beer to the right of him...NO NO NO we do not give the child beer...nor does he have a fake ID!! I'm so glad we had the 3D glasses for the FIREWORKS THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN...too bad it was a terrible game for the Tides!! We still always have a blast!! Great pictures-We Heart the Thumm family!!