Monday, December 31, 2007

Baby's First Christmas

We celebrated our Christmas last last week--before all the hecticness of going home. Aaron and Danny both got new cell phones. I think Aaron is a little disappointed his doesn't take pictures. He wasn't real sure about the unwrapping of presents--Danny filled him in pretty quick.

Santa left Aaron gold fish crackers in his stocking....6 days early....
This isn't a yankee hat--I repeat this is NOT a yankee hat--it's a yankees hater hat. It's a YH not NY--get it?
Yay! A picture of Aaron and Mommy.

This is THE video of Aaron opening his FIRST ever Christmas no attention to Danny's antics, please!

Friday, December 14, 2007

tree trimming

We finally decorated our tree! We put it in the kitchen because I didn't want to be chasing Aaron out of it all the time. That might have been a little unnecessary---Aaron is afraid of the Christmas tree. He just stands in front of it and looks up--then he puts his arms up for someone to come pick him up and save him! It's the funniest thing. He is warming up to it, though. He tried to eat the lights, tonight--like a cat--like in the "Grizwald's Family Christmas!"
Aaron and Daddy
Aaron's first Christmas--can you believe he's almost a year old? This time last year we were getting ready for the baby! We didn't have a name picked out or anything. Time flies!!
"Like this, Mommy?"
Danny and Aaron--take 1--This will be a good picture of the boys in front of the tree....
....ummmm......never mind

Thursday, December 6, 2007

my first haircut

"Mommy--what happened? I thought you said you knew what you were doing!'
"I need my binky."
I tried to cut Aaron's hair myself.....he ended up looking like Lloyd Christmas from Dumb and Dumber. It was horrifying. In my defense, everything would've been fine, but Aaron would not keep still--that's how the big chunk in the front got cut--then I had to even it up--and so on and so on. He ended up with no bangs and the sides were still long. I don't even want to talk about when I tried to cut out his ears.
"Thanks for fixing it, Elle!"
I think it looks good--but a little short--she probably had to, though, to get it all even again!

Extreme Close Up
How 'bout a shot from the side--
"Hey, I can SEE my fire truck!
"Could I get a refill?"

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

some reflections

Last week, I went to see my friend, Heather's new baby--Hayden Elizabeth. Hayden's big sister, Madison, was so excited to show her off. She was so tiny!! It got me to thinking--was Aaron ever that small? I mean when I picked up Hayden, it was like lifting a feather. I only had to use one hand to hold her. When I pick up chunko Aaron-it takes both hands and then I have to balance HIS weight and re-define MY center of gravity! Okay, so Aaron was that small--I looked up some pictures of our "new baby". Can you believe he will be 11 months old tomorrow? It really seems like the other day that we brought him home.
Aaron and Danny--day 1
Pictures of Aaron today--literally today! He had just climbed the stairs to the kitchen-- while holding the phone--no small feat! He was so proud of himself!
Check the rug burn on the bridge of his nose--no idea how it got there. I do, however, know it happened some time on Sunday. I noticed it during his bath.
"Look what I can do!"
p.s. Does anyone else think he needs a haircut??
yay or nay

Saturday, December 1, 2007

danny's look-alike

Not really a suprise, right?

Thursday, November 29, 2007


What??? Everyone says he looks just like Brian--sorry--you're wrong! He does have some Farcin in him!! WOOHOO!!

Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy Turkey Day!

Happy Thanksgiving from Virginia!
Brian and I couldn't make it home this year, so we had our friends, the Goodwins, over and celebrated down here. I made a turkey--my first turkey. It was delicious! We had mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, sweet potato casserole, green beans, broccoli casserole, and rolls. We also had pumpkin pie, apple pie, and cheese cake! What?? Whose on a diet?
We have so much to be thankful for. It was our first Thanksgiving with Aaron. I am so blessed to have Brian, Danny and Aaron. I absolutely LOVE being a mom.

The Thumm's eating pie and turkey.

Mike and Monica sharing a cheese cake! just kidding!


"I ate so much I had to take off my pants!"
Matthew, Aaron, and Danny hanging out, watching football.
After being sedentary for most of the day, Danny and Mike went out to throw catch.
"Okay, I'm ready."
"We should do this more often."

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

some videos

Aaron has learned to drink from a sippy cup--and not just throw it down and cry! Here he is having a refreshing swig of watered-down apple juice.

Okay here's the deal--there are 4 more videos after this one--but you have to scroll down to see them. I had to put them on as separate posts because it takes forever for videos--but I know how much y'all enjoy them.

Just some more walking---and talking! He's so loud!

This one was just too funny! The bumble ball.

Whose calling? Aaron loves to talk on the phone. Brian says, "It's because he sees you on the phone." NOT true--I don't have time to just lay on the phone all day! I have kids to raise and a house to run. teehee

Monday, November 19, 2007

GO Mountaineers! This was from the game a couple weeks ago.....look how warm it was! Aaron is wearing shorts.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

hurricane aaron

My house always looks like a hurricane/tornado just came through. Aaron loves to get into stuff and drag it around. Now that he's walking, his mayhem is more wide spread!
It wasn't enough that his toys were everywhere--he had to get all the wipes out, too! He would pull one out, fling it around like a flag, go the next one, and the next one, and the next one--you get the picture.
"What?? This DOESN'T go in my mouth?"
"My diaper bag!"
Notice all the carnage behind him.
I let Aaron pull things out of the cabinet while I cook dinner. On this particular evening, he decided to get out the paper plates and string them out all over the kitchen. I know you can't really see his shirt, but it says "Little Monster"---how fitting!
"Now--how do you get this thing open?"
A little bend and reach.
This is what things look like around 8pm. Brian picks up the living room while I give "Taz" a bath.

Here he is in action! If you're wondering why he's wearing sweats and a pajama top--he had an accident that morning. Just thought I should explain--you know how I like him to match.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

pajama parade

I just love Aaron's winter pj's. They are so cute! I just had to share. Here's your classic little boy fire trucks.
"Will you read me a story?" in his monster trucks.
"These are Mommy's favorite!" Zoom in if you have to--there are little WV's all over them.
"Do these stripes make me look fat?"
"Can we go to the beach today....."
Danny found this snorkel in his room and gave it to Aaron to play with--he always has it with him!

Monday, November 5, 2007

Happy Birthday, Pap!

"I can't believe we missed your birthday!"
Yesterday was Dave's birthday. I knew it was Sunday, but I forgot all about it yesterday.
Sorry Pap!

"Kick back and have a cold one."

And some laughs!

Hope your day was happy! We love and miss you.