Saturday, September 20, 2008

Happy Birthday, Donna!

My friend, Donna's birthday is today--a milestone birthday! Her family had a surprise party for her on Thursday. She was completely shocked--and it was great!
Aaron getting ready for dinner. "My napkin goes in my lap.....
...and my plate goes on my head."
"MMmmm -- chicken and french fries-- my favorite!"
Aaron and Camron playing with the balloons. Camron is Donna's grandson. She has a step-daughter, Audra that's my age.
Aaron and Camron running. They play so well together. Aaron kept turning around to make sure Camron was still chasing him.
Jake brought out the cake. Jake is Donna's son. He and Danny are good friends--that's actually how Donna and I met! We've become really close the last few years. We have so much in common--especially with the teenage boys! I am so thankful to have her in our lives.

Austyn, Donna's daughter, passing out cake. Isn't she cute? She's in her second year of middle school this year!!
Me and Aaron eating cake.
The natives started getting restless after the cake!
Happy Birthday, Donna! We love you!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Aaron's latest and greatest is---band aids!! Or as he calls them, "bambaids". He's always showing me a "new" boo-boo. He winces when I put the "bambaid" on the fake boo-boo--he pushes my hand away like I'm not being gentle enough! It's so funny.
trying to decide where the "bambaid is going to go -- he's running out of room on his leg!!
He's showing me all his boo-boos! By the way, Grandma Rutherford, these are Snoopy band aids--He loves "Moopy"!

He's too much!! Don't anyone ask what to get Aaron for Christmas--here's your hint!!

Friday, September 12, 2008


Finally! The beast sleeps! I know what you're thinking--look at this angelic little boy with his Eyore. (By the way, he's way into donkeys right now!! Hilarious!) Aaron had a little bug all day and I changed about 100 million diapers. He didn't eat much. He was whiny and tired. It made for a very long day!

He got into the exersaucer--all by himself. I don't really understand the sudden fascination--he would never sit in it when could actually FIT in it!
Check out his knees knocking together-- in the same leg hole!
"Now, how do I get out of this thing??"
After his bath--which was 45 mins. early--he found a "treat".
"MMMmmm.........What is this yummy stuff??"
"Desitin Creamy--my favorite!"
"Uh--What do you mean it's not really food?"
After all that, I said, "Okay--help Mommy pick up your toys."
This is Aaron "helping". He sat beside the basket and tried on his goggles one last time before bed. Let me ask you, though--"Who could POSSIBLY be mad at that face??"

Yep--the radio is working fine, too.
Long Day!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


YAY!! It's football season---finally! Aaron loves cheering for his favorite team--the West Virginia Mountaineers! Brian taught him, "Touchdown!!"
"WVU #1!"
.....not so much on Saturday.
wearing Brian's shoes and socks---and no pants! In case you're wandering--Brian does NOT wear these shoes with these socks!
shoes and socks are way too much trouble--true Mountaineer!
Aaron was waiting for the big storm. Thankfully, Hanna was no big deal.
"Where's all the rain?"
Aaron and Mommy--I'm thinking about changing my profile picture on facebook.
"GO Steelers!"
"YAY! We're winning!"
Aaron and Daddy were zonked out after an entire weekend of football--all our favorite teams were on TV. We watched WVU on Saturday and the Pittsburgh Steelers on Sunday!

Monday, September 1, 2008

holiday weekend

Danny's been in Maine visiting his mom the past few weeks--he came home Friday. Brian's parents picked him up from the air port and brought him to Va. Aaron was sooooo excited to see his brother.
Aaron was taking a nap when Danny and his grandparents got here. So when he woke up, Danny was outside practicing tricks on his skateboard. I walked over to the door and said, "Who's outside?" Aaron looked at me and then looked at Danny and said, "Danna!" He was so excited it took his breath away! Danny came up on the porch and Aaron was shaking. He couldn't get to Danny fast enough. It was so cute.

Aaron wanted to do tricks too!
Aaron's supposed to be "winding down" for bed--instead he's playing peek with Memaw. In case you're wondering--that's Dave, Brian's dad--not Brian--they're getting harder and harder to tell apart!

We had Danny's birthday that night too. Check out the evil eye I'm getting in this one! Whew!
It was so humid--my cake is sliding...
Aaron and the rest of them didn't seem to care!

Me and Danny went shopping Sunday afternoon. These are his new shoes. Aaron's making sure they're okay!
We had fun this weekend with Brian's parents -- I don't know how this happened, but I have no pictures! They're all of Aaron and Danny!