Wednesday, February 28, 2007


It's here-baseball season has officially started. I LOVE IT! I was never a big baseball fan till I met Danny. He has opened my eyes and shown me the light...the stadium lights... in the bottom of the ninth, 2 outs, and Big Papi at the plate trying to make something happen! See, he has not only made me a baseball fan, but a huge Red Sox fan. Danny went to Fenway last summer with his mom and I must admit--I was a little jealous.
I love watching Danny play ball. I don't like it when he is pitching, though--I get too nervous. I try to cheer him on without being too embarrassing. We are all about baseball season. Brian helps coach, I help keep score, and Danny answers all my "dumb girl" questions about the game.
With that being said, Danny's Pony League team this year is the Suffolk Yankees! What are we going to do? This is bad news-terrible-a travesty! Danny not only eats, sleeps, and breathes baseball-he eats, sleeps, and breathes Red Sox baseball. How can we, as die hard Red Sox fans, root for the dark side? the despicable Yankees? The answer is easy--we'll be cheering for Danny! I'll be cheering every week in my Red Sox cap--the one Danny got me for Mother's Day last year.
Danny said he better get his matches ready for the end of the season so he can burn his jersey...that's just Danny being Danny.
Scroll down to see Danny's #1 fan and see what he has to say.

Check the Varitek shirt.

Enough with the pictures already! I'm trying to get in the zone.

What?? Let me get this straight-- the Skankees? Unbelievable!
Are you sure? I can't wrap my head around it!
I better get my binky--I need some consoling.

beautiful day

Today was a beautiful day-- and warm. After I picked Danny up from school, we went outside for a while. Danny rode his bike and I pushed Aaron in his stroller. Aaron slept most of the time. It was nice to get some fresh air. I'm getting tired of being cooped up! The fall and winter are my favorite seasons, but I'm ready for Spring! I know you guys back home are feelin' that more so than me!!

Here's Aaron after he woke up. I don't know why he was so mad! I thought he would enjoy a change of scenery.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

more playtime

Hey! wait a minute--how did that get in there?? This is definitely NOT Danny's idea of fun!

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Aaron loves talking to that bird!

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Aunt Joyce got Aaron these rattles you velcro to the baby's wrist. He wasn't real sure what to do with them so Brian helped him out. Hillarious!!

Saturday, February 24, 2007

when the cat's away

this is how it started...
see what happens when Daddy's not home?
I thought there was enough military in our house. Aaron loves his new do!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

play time

Mamaw and Papaw got Aaron this Sesame Street Gym for Valentines Day. He loves it! He especially likes Elmo--although my favorite is Cookie Monster. (yeah, imagine that) I think he would like it better if there was a volume button --no wait-- that's me, Daddy, and Danny!
Thank you.
We love you guys!
He is mesmerized by Elmo.

He just lays under the gym and kicks his feet and talks to Elmo.

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Sunday, February 18, 2007

Eli is 4?

I can't believe Eli is 4 years old today. I remember when he was little like Aaron! Happy Birthday, Eli!
We love and miss you
Uncle Brian, Aunt Kerri, Danny, and Aaron
ps. give Snoopy a kiss from me

trip to the mall

We took Aaron to the mall this afternoon. It was his first ride in the stroller. Okay-I'll let him tell you about it!
"It only took 20 minutes for Mommy and Daddy to get me situated in this thing...I can already tell this is going to be a fun day."
"Everyone else is eating cheese steaks! Hey, where's MY lunch??"
"Oh yeah--let's get a picture for the blog. We look like such tourists!"
"Finally, we're moving! I want to go to Kaybee Toys first."
"Whew! That was tiring. I'm glad we're on our way home."

Aaron talks!

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I just figured out how to put video on here! This is so cool. The video is a little dark. I shot it last night in our room. He was laying in our bed and just started babbling. I thought you would like to hear too!

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Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Hey everyone! Happy Valentines Day!
Stop! in the name of love...
"Mo-om, Danny's looking at me!"
"Here Danny, Let me show you." Aaron loves math--just like Papaw. He's helping Danny with Algebra.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Is Daddy funny?

Funny looking!! No, just kidding! Brian has always been able to make me laugh. Now, he has someone new to try his material out on. Aaron was smiling and trying to talk-and laugh. I'm sure he will be cooing soon because he tries sooo hard. He suprises himself sometimes when he hears his own voice--like when he sighs or yawns-- but he can't remember how he did it.

Danny and Aaron playing "I got your nose". That's right--there's never a dull moment!

Saturday, February 10, 2007


On Aaron's World Tour, we also stopped in Washington, PA. We stayed with Memaw and Pappy, for a few days, before coming back home to Virginia. He got to meet even MORE aunts, uncles, and cousins. Here's Aaron with his cousins, Jaden and Haley. They were excited to see him. They thought he would be bigger! I'm sure he will be soon enough!

Haley is a natural at this!
Jaden wasn't sure exactly what to think.
Uncle Shawn and Auntie Kris (Brian's sister). Haley and Jaden are their kids.
Uncle David (Brian's brother)
Uncle Rob (Brian's brother) and Rhonda

Monday, February 5, 2007

Happy Birthday!!

Yesterday was Brian's birthday. We had to wait till today to celebrate. Brian was gone all weekend at Air Force Reserves. We made up for it, though. Look at Aaron--we partied so hard, he fell asleep!!

These are some good lookin' boys.

Friday, February 2, 2007

4 weeks old!

Aaron is 4 weeks old today. Time is just flying by. His hair is getting longer--and lighter! But I do think it's getting curly!!
Brian's Grandma Thumm made this blanket for Danny when he was a baby. All his brothers have used it.
Look, he can hold his head up! Check out that dimple.
He's wasn't real sure what to think about his bouncy seat at first.
But, I think he likes it! Thank you, Grandma Farcin.