Thursday, January 31, 2008

day trip

Aaron and I went on a road trip, yesterday. We went to see our friends, Katie, Josh and Wyatt. Her husband, Josh took this picture. It was so nice to get a change of scenery. They live a couple hours away, now--they used to be just around the corner. We always have so much fun together. And our boys are only 8 mo. apart. Katie and Josh grew up in West Virginia, too. So we share that bond. I miss her being away--but it's not too far.
We were commenting on how we both have dark hair and brown eyes and ended up with blue-eyed blondies!
It was so hard to get a picture of these boys together--they are in constant motion. They like to play chase!
I finally got them together--strapped in car seats. They were in the back seat talking and jabbering to each other-- it was so cute! We went for ice cream. Aaron was really good. He sat in his chair like a big boy-- and ate 2 donut holes.
Wyatt will be 2 in May. I still remember when he was a teeny teeny baby--and I was watching him and pregnant for Aaron! Unbelievable!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

poor little Aaron

Please, please, everyone--I need your help--Aaron has no toys! He has no books, either and has resorted to reading Good Housekeeping and Dr. Phil's 5 tips to a strong marriage. NOT! For those of you who don't really know me and are just "peaking in"--this post is dripping with sarcasm. My kid has absolutely everything and needs absolutely nothing. He chooses to get into my stuff instead of playing with his own loot.
"hmmmmm.....interesting...." p.s. I love the double chin in this shot!
"What's for dinner?" my favorite question of the day (again, sarcasm)
nice chair--a box of wipes
This just goes to show that kids don't need a bunch of expensive "stuff" to keep them entertained! HA HA
Have a good one, everyone!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

good morning

Aaron woke up this morning with some serious bed head! I thought I would share.
how cute! He's a little slobbery--I just finished digging a piece of petrified corn out of his mouth. We had corn for dinner last night and somehow, somewhere Aaron found a piece and --what else? put it in his mouth. Check out all his teeth--he has 7 now.
"Is it better if I wear a hat?"
Okay--we've been trying to get Aaron off the bottle! Not an easy task. He will drink juice from a cup, milk from a bottle, but NOT milk from a cup!
Here he is contemplating what to do....
...he takes a drink...
...and the cup ends up on the floor. Aaron runs away! I have to keep offering it to him--but 9 times out of 10 he throws the cup down--Can someone say temper temper with a shot of stubbornness??
Aaron's trying to get ready for muscle beach this summer. Where does he find this stuff? You would think the kid has no toys!

Monday, January 21, 2008

snow day

Sorry I've been out of commission for a computer flipped out! I had to call tech support and everything. I ended up having to re-format everything back to the day we purchased the computer--we lost everything. Luckily, Danny had backed up all the pictures. It was his Christmas present to me.
Anywho, check out the snow!! We almost got an inch on Saturday! It was so exciting.....

Most of the snow was gone by the next day--and the roads were bone dry!

Enjoy the videos of Aaron playing.

Aaron got lots of WVU stuff for Christmas. Uncle Jeff and Aunt Stacie gave him this cool hat.

Aaron taking some batting practice with Danny's help.

Monday, January 7, 2008

birthday videos

Aaron and his new mower. He likes to dance along with the music.

more mowing

Happy Birthday to you!

Did anyone else notice that while I'm filming video--mom is taking snap shots?

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Aaron's First Birthday!

Happy Birthday, Aaron!! It's hard to believe my baby boy is 1 year old today. Mamaw and Papaw came from West Virginia to celebrate with us. They brought Aaron a mower! He loves it! I made Aaron's favorite dinner--meatloaf and mac and cheese (not from a box- it was Paula Deen's recipe).
Here is is on day 1. What a pretty baby.
This is one of my favorite pictures of Aaron. He was only a couple days and I wasted no time getting him used to the camera!
Here we all are--year 1--Aaron had already started eating his cake. He couldn't take it anymore.
Here we are--day 1.
"Let's get this party started!"
"Clap-clap-clap-clap your hands!"
Mamaw and Papaw--yay!
"Mmmmmm--this is good stuff!"

extreme close up
"Danny, would you like a bite?" How nice to share his cake.
At this point, the cake and plate were on the floor.
"What?? my party's over? I could go all night!"
Time to settle down and go night night.
p.s. I have some videos of the cake and presents that I'll post later--it was a long day.