Thursday, April 16, 2009

big boy bed

Aaron slept in his big boy bed yesterday and today!!
When I took him in for his nap yesterday, he told me he wanted to sleep in his big blue bed. I told him to stay in his bed or he would have to sleep in his little bed. He really surprised me. I went in to check on him once and he sat straight up and said, "I'm awake!" But he went to sleep right after that and stayed asleep for a couple hours.
This is an actual sleeping shot from his nap today.

This is a fake one. He can't even stay still with his eyes closed for 3 seconds while I take a picture.

my big blue bed!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Eggs

I know these aren't Easter pictures--just hang on a sec!
I wanted to show you guys how big my "baby" is--I really am not liking this--he looks so big to me lately.
His new thing is to go "swimmim" in the bath tub.
He has like zero baby fat!

He wanted me to take a picture of his "dine-sore" excuse me, his "lellow dine-sore"

He loves to take a bath. It's like a whole new level of playtime right before bed.

Okay--he does still look "little" in this picture--
I put my Easter egg pictures on facebook--it's so much easier when you have a bunch!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

JV debut

The rain finally held off so Danny could have a home game. He was in SC last week with the baseball team--so I actually missed his first high school game--bummer! He played last night. The thermometer in the car said it was 48 degrees, but I really don't think so!! We were freezing!!
Aaron was so excited to see Danny at bat. He kept saying, "Danny right here!"

Danny on second.

"Ohhh! It's cold!"

"GO Big Macs!"

Uncle Jeff came up, too. Look how happy he was that Aaron wanted to sit with him and eat that sucker!

Friday, April 3, 2009

design on a dime

I just re-did my bedroom for pennies! Well, not really but close!
These pillows came with my couch and I pulled the blue from them.

I painted an accent wall blue and got new lamp shades and a throw for the end of the bed. I also found a set of blue sheets from TJ Max. I used the sheets to match the paint. I'm going to put up white roman shades on the windows. I just have to hem then first--that saved about $300. The custom order shades were ridiculous!

I got a new box for Brian's dresser. We had been married for about a year when I gave up the battle over how messy his dresser ALWAYS was. I put out a ceramic bowl and told him I didn't care what was on his dresser as long as it stayed in the bowl--it has worked well for us. We will be married 5 years this month!

I did "splurge" on the picture. I bought a poster at Michaels and a frame at Target. I eventually want to get some end tables--dark wood--to match the frame. I'm still bargain shopping for those!

and here's Aaron's big boy bed--as you can see, it's still empty!! because... big boy is in a crib!!!
What to do--what to do!