Sunday, June 15, 2008

s-a-t-u-r-d-a-y-- night!

We went to the Norfolk Tides (they're a AAA team) game Saturday night for Father's Day. Shout out to all the dads out there-- especially mine! We had fun with the Goodwins--as usual.
It was Marines night at Harbor Park and the Tides wore camo jerseys.
The silent drill team--amazing! They do all this stuff without even talking--what? no talking?
Mike and Matthew--Mike picked out great seats on the first base line.
Me, Monica, and Aaron.
Aaron found a big drink -- he couldn't resist. Don't worry--it belonged to us--although, he did try to drink the drink behind his seat--it did NOT belong to us!
"Okay everyone, put your glasses on." They gave us 3-D glasses for the fireworks show after the game.
"Thanks Aaron."

He's got this new thing where he only wants to wear his hats backwards--too cute.

Daddy got a new Tides hat for Father's Day and Aaron got one for--well--look at that face!! No really, he has worn his WVU hat out. It has no shape anymore and it's getting all faded and stained. He loves, loves, loves wearing a ball hat.

Aaron thought this was a helmet to wear--Danny's ice cream was in it. How do you like the Marlene feet on either side of the baby? Kelli will know what I mean--we joke all the time that we have mom's feet--Marlene feet--get it?
After the game, Danny took Aaron to run the bases--I love it!
There goes Matthew--he was going so fast, I almost missed the picture! We had so much fun--even though the fire works were cancelled. It was too windy. Brian and Monica were most disappointed. hahaha!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

game days

"Put me in coach, I'm ready to play--today!"

The warm up. I tried to keep these pictures in some kind of order--it's basically a collage from 3 different games. We made it to the Championship again this year, but we got beat--it was a real heart breaker in the bottom of the 7th. It was a great day of baseball, though. We were at the ballpark almost all day, Sunday, for the double-header. I really enjoyed it.
Danny on second. He loves it there--it's his favorite position.
He started on 3rd for the Championship game.

on deck--He really had some great hits during the play offs!
Danny's #8.
Aaron's pretty much happy with whatever's going on at the ballpark as long as he has a drink...
...and a snack! He loves to watch Danny play. He gets right up on the fence when Danny's at bat and yells.

He stays pretty busy at the games. He plays in the sand right outside the dugout--
Gets into the boys' stuff--

Whew--what a dirt ball!
Helps Daddy keep score--

Flirts with the girls. He really likes Meghan--she throws catch with him and laughs a lot!

It was too hot to play on Sunday--with the heat index it was 115. And we played 2 games. I don't know how the boys did it, but they played awesome. They stayed cool with wet rags and lots of water and gatorade. I was hot just sitting in the shade. Aaron had 3 popsicles. The comissioner was worried about it being so hot. He asked me one time if Aaron had on sunscreen. I said, "Yes--but he's so dirty I don't think the sun can get through anyway." It really was a fun day.
Here's Danny getting his trophy--I heard him joking with the team that the trophy was smaller than he was used to--he's used to being in 1st. He's funny.
the 2008 Suffolk Yankees

Monday, June 9, 2008

hotel livin'

So we were in the hotel for about 2 1/2 weeks. We moved into an apartment, Saturday. I know there's lots of pictures--but I know you're all missing Aaron. His favorite part of the hotel was getting to eat while watching cartoons. We got him a new "high chair" that just straps onto a chair.

"MMmmm -- coke!"
Aaron is so tired in this picture--he's all ready for bed--with his blankie and binky--but he didn't want to stop playing--and we all know Aaron doesn't have to do what he doesn't want to do! HA HA!!
Danny and Aaron literally on top of each other!
Aaron and Daddy lounging.
We got to go to the pool, once--it was closed the rest of the time--something about the pH. Whatever! It was only about 95 degrees the last couple days we were there. The one day I got sunscreen on Aaron--not an easy task--and myself ready--we went to the pool only to find out it was closed. Aaron stood at the fence and poked his head through the fence and looked left to right and them looked back at me--so sad!
Doesn't it look like Aaron's trying to dunk Danny?
Finally! A picture of me in my bathing suit! I know you've all been waiting on the edge of your seats! You like how I positioned Aaron directly in front of my belly with just enough towel to cover everything?
Aaron -- he's always got to be into something!
This is Saturday when we got to move out. Danny's idea of helping by entertaining Aaron was letting him do pull ups on the luggage cart. Brian is in the background "patiently" waiting to load stuff up.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

the tree

Finally! I'm on the Internet! thanks Danny. Here's the pictures you've all been waiting for--the tree. It was storming that Tuesday and Danny and I heard the crash. The whole house shook and Aaron started crying. Praise the Lord none of us were in the living room. We were all downstairs in the family room on the other side of the house--amazing! We called Brian at work and went to the neighbor's house. That's when I called 911. The whole thing was like a dream--I think I was just so shocked.

This shows how shallow the roots were. The guys who came to take the tree off the house said it was perfectly healthy--the wind was just so intense.
This is the view from the back of the house--that's the top of the tree. It fell at an angle across the whole house.

The view from the inside. The fire dept cut the ceiling so it wouldn't cave in from all the water.

The very next day they took the tree off the house. They did it in one afternoon. The entire neighborhood was out and checking on things. One lady set up a lawn chair in her driveway! Give me a break! It was a 3 ring circus from the time it happened. I really shouldn't be like that--everyone has been soooo very nice to us.
I don't know if you can really see it or not but there's a big red sign on the porch that states, "Condemned. Not suitable for living." Now that's hard to swallow--seeing that on your own home.

They had all kinds of equipment--a big crane took the tree off the house.

Aaron had fun watching all the big trucks.
"Yay! The tree's gone!"

Every thing's all tarped up 'til they can start the work. We're waiting for the power to be turned back on and then things should go pretty quick--I'm hoping and praying!
A friend of ours is letting us use their baby bed. Aaron helped Brian put it together. Danny spent the weekend with the Chappells at the races in Charlotte. He's been with them a good bit since it happened. Thank God for our friends! Heather's been watching Aaron when I need to be else where and we've been doing our laundry at Monica's. It stinks not having our family here, but our friends are AWESOME! and I am totally thankful for them.

"Like this, Daddy."
We're going to be living hotel life for a while--but we are all okay--and together...completely together...right on top of each other!