Friday, November 21, 2008

bitsy spider

I can't take it--my baby is so cute!!
Now for some BREAKING NEWS!!! Brian is working in the Pittsburgh, Pa. area and we are moving HOME!! Aaron is so excited! West Virginia!

He's got his terrible towel ready for EVERY Steeler's game!!

YAY! The cousins!

MORE cousins....and Matthew!

Even Brian can hardly contain himself!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

football saturday

We had big plans to do yard work today---and then it rained all morning! Can I get a collective, "AAhhhh! TOO BAD!!"
The boys went out this afternoon and played some football. Aaron loves to be outside!


the throw...

...the catch

This is Aaron relaxing a few days ago... lazy baby!

"Umm--could you please move?? You're blocking my view!"

How do you like the stretch?

Pop and chips! I'm all about promoting healthy eating habits!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Happy Election Day!

Don't forget to get out and vote today! I know it's all crowded and stuff down here in Virginia--but it's your patriotic duty!!
Aaron is all excited Danny's home from school today.

He loves to play play dough! Not me! Danny is the one who does the play dough...

Is anyone else concerned about the tooth pick??

Thanks Danny!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

trick or treat!

Aaron wore this skeleton sweat suit most of the day, Friday. He kept telling me he was a spider and I would answer, "No, you're a skeleton." And he would point at himself and say, "Pider!" And this went on and on until he covered his ears with his hands---whatever! be a spider then!
Okay, I'm warning you now--this is a LONG post with lots of commentary and pictures. You might want to get a drink or a snack or something!
Aaron with Danny's pumpkin from when he was little. Brian's mom made it for Danny and Aaron took it trick or treating.

We went trick or treating at Monica's with our friend Rose. Here's Matthew--he's a bloody something or other! Monica--sorry you didn't make the blog--the only picture I had of you and Matthew--you were sticking out your tongue! Not sure what that was all about but there's always next year!

Rose and Tristen.

the neighborhood boys we went with...

...and the star of the show---Tigger!

You know my son and hats--he found Matthew's helmet and wasn't giving it up. I decided-- not a battle worth fighting (in front of all Monica's neighbors!)

The only time Aaron was in the stroller! Monica used it to push around our cameras and the extra candy!

Tigger running after the boys--he had to be right up in the middle of it! And they were good sports about the whole thing!

His first like the helmet instead of the cute pumpkin basket?? Me too!

After each house, he would put the helmet down, take the candy out, pretend to eat a piece, then give me the candy--one by one--saying, "thank you." This went on all night--ask Monica. It was the funniest thing!

"This is fun!"

"Whew! I'm getting tired!"

Mike and Mike passing out candy. The dancing Mike in blue is Monica's and the other Mike is Rose's. The picture is all blurry because THEY REALLY WERE DANCING!!

YES!! Danny WAS there and just look at him enjoying all the festivities!

the V.I.P. after-party!

Aaron all comfy in his jammies or "A-jays" playing peek-a-boo on the stairs with Tristen.
What a night--we had a blast!