Tuesday, December 4, 2007

some reflections

Last week, I went to see my friend, Heather's new baby--Hayden Elizabeth. Hayden's big sister, Madison, was so excited to show her off. She was so tiny!! It got me to thinking--was Aaron ever that small? I mean when I picked up Hayden, it was like lifting a feather. I only had to use one hand to hold her. When I pick up chunko Aaron-it takes both hands and then I have to balance HIS weight and re-define MY center of gravity! Okay, so Aaron was that small--I looked up some pictures of our "new baby". Can you believe he will be 11 months old tomorrow? It really seems like the other day that we brought him home.
Aaron and Danny--day 1
Pictures of Aaron today--literally today! He had just climbed the stairs to the kitchen-- while holding the phone--no small feat! He was so proud of himself!
Check the rug burn on the bridge of his nose--no idea how it got there. I do, however, know it happened some time on Sunday. I noticed it during his bath.
"Look what I can do!"
p.s. Does anyone else think he needs a haircut??
yay or nay


Sharlene and Greg said...

I cautiously say yes because parents really don't want advice on such things! He's totally cute either way but he may be able to see better. He'll also seem more grown up when you cut his hair. I can't believe how big he is either and that he's walking and very active. By the way, I did Micah's profile on who he looks like - of course it was Greg!

thumms said...

you should do Lauren's -- I'm sure she would look like you!