Wednesday, January 23, 2008

good morning

Aaron woke up this morning with some serious bed head! I thought I would share.
how cute! He's a little slobbery--I just finished digging a piece of petrified corn out of his mouth. We had corn for dinner last night and somehow, somewhere Aaron found a piece and --what else? put it in his mouth. Check out all his teeth--he has 7 now.
"Is it better if I wear a hat?"
Okay--we've been trying to get Aaron off the bottle! Not an easy task. He will drink juice from a cup, milk from a bottle, but NOT milk from a cup!
Here he is contemplating what to do....
...he takes a drink...
...and the cup ends up on the floor. Aaron runs away! I have to keep offering it to him--but 9 times out of 10 he throws the cup down--Can someone say temper temper with a shot of stubbornness??
Aaron's trying to get ready for muscle beach this summer. Where does he find this stuff? You would think the kid has no toys!


FarcinsFollies said...

Thank goodness you got your computer fixed!! I was having some serious issues not getting to see new Aaron pictures. Every time you say how "stubborn" he is, I can't help but smile. (I know where he gets it from.) Love Mamaw

Sharlene and Greg said...

After reading this blog, I happened to see something at Target today that Aaron could use. Be looking for it in the mail. What a cutie!