Wednesday, August 5, 2009

busy bees

We have been steady working around our house this summer. We have projects going on inside and out! I am so excited to be getting our house in order.
I took this picture at Memaw's house--Aaron is busy wherever he goes!
Brian cut down all the over-grown shrubs around the house. He did all the hard stuff and I carried them to the road. Look how big they are--practically like trees! I kept telling Brian I never realized how pretty our house was--because I couldn't see it before!

We did keep this rhododendron--it just got a hair cut.

Check out all the debris!

Aaron had to be "helping" right up in the middle of everything!

He's helping rake. Daddy gave him a "special job" --to keep him out of the way! Harms way!

In Aaron's room, I put these cubes together and arranged them all nice and neat--for the picture! They don't look this organized anymore! But Aaron does like to put his stuff away in the bins.

And Brian cut and hung these bookshelves made out of vinyl guttering. I saw this idea on another blog I stalk! It really looks nice and Aaron can see what book he wants to read because they are face out.

Cheese! Aaron wanted in the picture--still in his pajamas!

Daddy and Aaron made a toolbox for all Aaron's tools.

Helping Daddy hammer!

Yay! We get to paint, too!

This is serious stuff!

So proud! He's looking right at Brian.

One more thing, Brain and Aaron dug up a pipe out of the back yard--Brian said it went clear to China. It was about 2ft long and cemented in the ground.

Whew! That's hard work!


Jeff and Stacie Farcin said...

I love the home improvements! The toolbox is so adorable, love the pics:) Can't wait to see you all tonight.

Sharlene and Greg said...

We have done nothing at our house this summer. You have put us to shame:) Aaron just gets cuter and cuter - love the room ideas.